Be accepting | Be aware | Speak Directly | Put People First | Assume Ability | Ask Before Helping | Be Informed
Be accepting | Be aware | Speak Directly | Put People First | Assume Ability | Ask Before Helping | Be Informed
Be accepting
of other people’s differences.
Be aware that some disabilities are invisible
I will be respectful of another person’s need to have accommodations without questioning their reasons for asking for special help and supports.
Speak directly to people with disabilities
Even when it might be easier to turn to a family member, friend, interpreter, or caregiver who may be present, I will speak directly to the person I am speaking with.
Use People First language
I will use language that refers to the person first, not their disability. The way we speak or write about someone influences the images and attitudes we form, leaving behind a positive or negative impression for others.
Assume ability and intellect
I will use respectful, age-appropriate language and tone of voice that I would use with anyone else.
Ask before helping others
I will ask permission before assisting someone, understanding they may need my help or may be capable of accomplishing the task on their own.
Be informed
I will increasing my knowledge and understanding about disabilities to make my community a more inclusive place for everyone.
of other people’s differences.
Be aware that some disabilities are invisible
I will be respectful of another person’s need to have accommodations without questioning their reasons for asking for special help and supports.
Speak directly to people with disabilities
Even when it might be easier to turn to a family member, friend, interpreter, or caregiver who may be present, I will speak directly to the person I am speaking with.
Use People First language
I will use language that refers to the person first, not their disability. The way we speak or write about someone influences the images and attitudes we form, leaving behind a positive or negative impression for others.
Assume ability and intellect
I will use respectful, age-appropriate language and tone of voice that I would use with anyone else.
Ask before helping others
I will ask permission before assisting someone, understanding they may need my help or may be capable of accomplishing the task on their own.
Be informed
I will increasing my knowledge and understanding about disabilities to make my community a more inclusive place for everyone.