This educational series is intended for the leadership of nonprofit disability service organizations.
Join disABILITYsa for this valuable opportunity for nonprofit Leadership to learn, network, and discover. These lunch time tips will help to nourish your nonprofit organization.
FOOD FOR THOUGHT delivered by disABILITYsa 11:30am - 12:30pm disABILITYsa Online: GoogleMeet Meeting July 16th, 2020
FOOD SELECTION Not Available MENTAL MORSEL Turn Your Advocates into Online Marketing Influencers Presented by David Ramirez TINT ( People connect with people, not marketing. You've already connected with your constituents, donors, and volunteers. Learn how to turn these valuable advocated into your strongest marketing asset. You've spent the time creating a program and organization that creates meaningful experiences. Now leverage the power of user generated content to grow your digital and print marketing. Market with your community, not at them.
![]() David Ramirez
Manager, Marketing Events at TINT ( S. David Ramirez is a digital marketing researcher and evangelist at TINT, a company that builds marketing software for enterprise brands around the world. He is the Executive Director of Marketing and Communications at San Japan, an annual community event that brings over 20,000 attendees to downtown San Antonio. David is a guest marketing instructor at the UTSA Institute for Economic Development, a mentor at the Break Fast and Launch culinary accelerator, and an active member of the San Antonio Tech ecosystem. David believes that communities are driven by advocacy. He is a proud disABILITYsa volunteer and mostly, he’s just a nerd. Talk to him about anime, movies, or marketing. 2020 FUTURE DATES:
November 19th, 2020 |
HANDOUTS AND DOWNLOADSCheck back here for any handouts or downloads that were made available during the session.
Culture Mapping Session 03-14-19
Managing the Important Session 05-09-19 Roles and Responsibilities 07-18-19 Meaningful & Measurable Outcomes 5-21-20 |